
Master of Science in Nematology

01 October 2007 → 30 September 2008
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Plant biology
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural plant production
    • Horticultural production
Project description

The ICP program 'Nematology' 'has as main objective to cater to the international need for qualified university nematologists at the level of' Master of Science 'by a multidisciplinary knowledge in the various aspects of Nematology. With the exception of human parasites (which belong to the field of medicine) and the parasites of vertebrates (covered in the discipline veterinary medicine), the program offers Nematology quality training in all other groups of nematodes, especially free-living soil and aquatic nematodes, as well as parasites of plants and insects. Offering has form nematologists objective of a diversified program that can provide independent advice and guidance to the various nematode problems in their country. This is envisaged through theoretical and practical instruction, personal research, literature study, field work and study trips.