Social sciences
- Applied economics
- Economic history
- Macroeconomics and monetary economics
- Microeconomics
- Tourism
The objective of this work package is to develop and experiment with an entirely new method of
conducting economic research by exploiting the data provided by real actions and interactions of
individuals that play massive multiplayer online games (MMOG). In MMOG real heterogenous
individuals of around the world interact in real time in what could be labelled as a frontier universe. These
agents have real monetary and nonmonetary
incentives and are subject to reallife
(information asymmetries, transaction costs, uncertainty), behavioral biases [Tversky and Kahneman,
1979], and social norms [Ostrom, 2000]. One of the key goals of the proposed LABM
approach is to
collect data on a plethora of network modalities (production, trade, violence, alliance) so that their
dynamic properties and interrelations can be better understood.