Social sciences
- Consumer behaviour
- Micro-based behavioural economics
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agriculture, land and farm management not elsewhere classified
- Food sciences and (bio)technology not elsewhere classified
The envisaged research in the domain of agro-food marketing and consumer behaviour focuses primarily on consumers in relation to food, but also on the broader group of actors involved with the agro-food complex. This includes primary producers, the agriculture and food processing industry, the retail sector and diverse stakeholders such as policy makers and service providers. The research methods are both qualitative and quantitative. Themes that will amongst others be addressed, are product- (e.g. alternative protein sources, cell-cultured meat), sector- (e.g. resilience and adaptation strategies in response to climate change in the potato sector, the sector of hard fruit, the livestock production sector, the beekeeping sector) or consumer-related (e.g. health, sustainability, food safety). The research is implemented within a regional, national and international context.