
High drug-loaded pellets for dysphagia and sustained release

01 May 2022 → 30 June 2025
Regional and community funding: Industrial Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Medicinal chemistry
Sustained release pellets multiparticulate oral solid dosage forms dysphagia personalized medicine
Project description

The objective of current IOF Advanced project is to prove the wide applicability of the patented UGent technology for production of high dosed pellets via extrusion-spheronization and to demonstrate the potential of this technology to address the needs of patients with dysphagia. Whereas a scientific proof-of-concept has already been been established (resulting in the succesful patent application and a signed license deal), particular challenges and uncertainties related to the general applicability of the technology were identified through discussions with industry which will be addressed in current project in order to increase the IP value. Furthermore current project aims to demonstrate the potential of the technology in the context of dysphagia and personalized medicine to broaden the application area of the technology.