
Modelling and validation of analgesia prediction for computer-guided TIVA systems

01 November 2019 → 31 October 2023
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Anaesthesiology not elsewhere classified
  • Engineering and technology
    • Automation and control systems
    • Biomedical modelling
computer-guided TIVA systems
Project description

Is anesthesia management prone to error? Can one believe that such a standard procedure is applied optimally as a familiar routine OR, on the contrary, with major risks due to patient variability? Either way, there is room for improving the anesthesia optimization and decrease the risks for the patients. Modelling and validation of analgesia prediction for computer-guided TIVA systems is definitely able to bring support to the decision makers: anesthesiologists. Three components define the general anesthesia state: hypnosis (no awareness&memory), analgesia (no pain) and neuromuscular blockade (no movement). In general anaesthesia, the anesthesiologist provides a cocktail of optimal dosages of various drugs to induce and maintain this complex physiological state in the patient, while trying to avoid under/over-dosing, and to copy with great patient variability. While hypnosis and neuromuscular blockade are well characterized for computer-based controlled infusion, analgesia remains an open problem. This project aims to deliver a physiologically based, mathematical model for opioid-induced analgesia, to integrate it in a complete system of continuous intravenous infusion. The multivariable anesthesia controller will act as a clinical decision support system, using models and patient monitoring to optimize anesthesia induction and calculate the next drug-dose titration during maintenance. The proposed methods are unique in Belgium and worldwide in this application area.