Engineering and technology
- General chemical and biochemical engineering not elsewhere classified
STRATUS, extending over 60 months, aims to connect advisors across Europe for accelerating knowledge creation and sharing on
Integrated Fertilization Management, supporting farmers to bring this knowledge into practice to achieve the ambition of the Farm to
Fork and Biodiversity Strategies, thus reducing nutrient losses to the environment while maintaining soil fertility.
For this, STRATUS will create an EU-wide advisory network through the creation of three transnational sub-networks (Fertilization
Innovation Networks - FIN) on Precision farming, Bio-based fertilisers and Soil quality (SQ) in which trained advisors will collect a total
of 104 Good Practices (GPs) and Research Innovations (RIs) on optimal fertiliser use and will identify at least 48 Best Practices (BPs) as
the result of the systemic feasibility assessment of the GPs and RIs . In addition, STRATUS will also ensure the integration of the
advisors in the MS AKIS as well as the adaptation of the project work to the local conditions through the creation of 10 Communities
of Practices (CoPs), in 10 partners countries, established with local AKIS actors, following the MA approach. Based on these BPs,
STRATUS will develop 60 demonstrations and training material that will facilitate advisors to exchange knowledge, experiences and
key challenges for advisory practice through Cross Visits in all MS and CoPs. All the knowledge generated in the project will become
available through an inventory hosted in the digital platform of the STRATUS project. STRATUS will determine the model for the
exploitation model of the platform besides the self-sustainability of the EU-wide advisory network .
STRATUS will cover all EU27 MS, eleven (11) MS are covered directly by project partners, while the other are covered through being
members of EUFRAS and SEASN and project’s advisory organisations in charge of “mirroring” knowledge exchange.