
Belgian Quantum Communication Testbed Network

01 October 2022 → 30 September 2026
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Nanophysics and nanosystems
    • Quantum information, computation and communication
    • Quantum optics
  • Engineering and technology
    • Optical fibre communications
    • Optical networks and systems
Material Sciences Chemistry Applied physics physics
Project description
BeQuNet project aims at establishing the first secure and widely accessible Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) testbed network in Flanders and Belgium by using dark optical cables. The BeQuNet thus advances ambitious plans of the European Union to develop Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) across all member states and to address increasing cyber thread by creating secure quantum network architectures based on quantum mechanical principles. In preparation to these efforts, BeQuNet proposes to bridge the gap between lab or proof-of-concept scale devices and their massive use by carrying fundamental research into low cost, affordable, integrated photonics device platforms that would imply real-life testing with a modular scalability, not available within the current technologies. Such an approach is fully compatible with technologies for transmission via dark optical cables, has a perspective for large-scale production, and therefore is competitive on the EU scale and beyond. On a longer term, a compatibility with future entanglement-based quantum protocols, planned within the EuroQCI, is required. Such a quantum network and used protocols would be able to connect to quantum processors, simulators and quantum sensors. The BeQuNet QKD network will therefore research advanced quantum networking concepts, in particular the development of an inventive memoryless approach, leading to entirely optically-based quantum repeaters. The proposed research entails the development of quantum communication protocols such as the device independent QKD, principles for engineering of scalable entanglement, novel materials and device technologies and thus represent a focused highly interdisciplinary research that can be translated to economical benefits. The presence of the network providing companies in the Industrial Advisory Board assures that we will be able to use the existing dark cable network and verify specific use cases important for future applications.