A vestibular deficit can have a substantial impact on the motor, cognitive, socio-emotional, and educational development of children. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that vestibular-induced problems are treated early and effectively through Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT). Although VRT is sufficiently proven and standardised in adults, there remains a lack of research examining its efficacy in children. The limited number of studies in children, although showing considerable potential, are characterised by several methodological limitations, and the assessed interventions lack a gaze stability component. In the current project, our research group, drawing on the extensive multidisciplinary network and expertise gained from the Vestibular Infant Screening (VIS) - Flanders project, will evaluate the effectiveness of VRT in vestibular-impaired children of different age categories. The goal is to establish evidence-based rehabilitation guidelines. It is anticipated that the results of this project will unravel fundamental questions in this domain and facilitate access to the most effective and suitable therapy. Consequently, this is expected to limit the impact on various developmental domains of the child.