
dynamics of disc galaxies

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Cosmology and extragalactic astronomy
galaxies dynamics spiral structure
Project description

Spiral patterns dominate the morphologies of their host galaxies in images tracing the oldest stars, the gas reservoir, and the most recently formed stars. This has long been understood as indicating that spirals are density enhancements in the disk with an enormous ability to influence its morphology and kinematics, its short-term behaviour, and its long-term evolution.  While this influence has been well studied observationally and theoretically, there is still no satisfactory explanation for how spiral structures originate that is capable of matching many of their most basic properties! Now more than ever, the community feels the lack of a cohesive spiral theory. The latest JWST images, exciting both scientists and public, have made spirals a prominent part of the discussion. Spirals are found in almost half of all massive galaxies. They are also an unexpectedly prominent feature of the dusty gas disks, captured at high resolution and sensitivity with JWST.

This basis funding will help me develop and test new ideas about spiral pattern generation by leveraging advancements in dynamical theory and numerical simulations, some of which I have helped develop. It will help maintain my international collaborations with colleagues working on related topics.