Humanities and the arts
- Other philosophy, ethics and religious studies not elsewhere classified
- Other humanities and the arts
Agroforestry meets a social demand for eco-efficient agro-ecological production with many aanaacht for biMtvers1teit and potehtleel social lnvulhng and d1t an economically rendahele way. Applicants will and voorllggend project through gerntegreerde samenwerklng thro & euro; and the whole chain and oplosslngen through building ondenoekskennis and experience and provide joint supervision, so as agroforestry give the right place in Flanders. The overall strategic doelstelllng of this project is the breakthrough relatively karte termljn viable, profitable and effective agroforestry systems fn Flanders. & Middot; The concrete projectdoelstelllngen lTS: & bull; The Mapping capabilities verschiUende form of agroforestry in Flanders; & Bull; To increase knowledge on ecological Interaction, ecosystem services, technical impact and most of economic opportunities. This for some Flanders relevant agroforestry systernen; & Bull; To gain insight into intentions, attitudes, norms, perceptions and social identity of those involved, with a view to breaking the socio-psychological barriers to adoption; & Bull; The provision of decision support richtHjnen, practical recommendations and solutions vemieuwende to farms on the application of agroforestry; & Bull; - Encouraging and guiding group of companies doing BLJ construction of agroforestry plots, adapted to their specific bedrijfssituatle. Oaarmee responds to the current demand for educated support bedrljven with a specific transition demand application of agroforestry. With this project, following specific reallsatles aimed at the target, during and shortly after completion of the project: an attitude towards agroforestry .gestoeld {l) cultivation professionalising the use of agroforestry, based on knowledge and experience, (2) to objective beoordellng of potential as an agro-ecologlsch cultivation system, (3) a significant contribution to increased legal duty definitely hero to & middot; epassers agroforestry, and (4) the effective construction of agroforestry plots to target businesses with efficient integration Jn the volfedige operations. Key output of the project is the development of a knowledge onllne counter, a practical and integrated ha.ndlelding gebruikerslnstru element. The project not only aims at a change in attitude but also effective adoption. It is in the first instance gerkht to the land-based agricultural sector (and more specifically, the sub-sectors of arable farming, land-based animal husbandry and fruit production, along 80% of Alfe tooth construction companies and 94% of the total area of cultivated in Flanders}, with no other links in the chain ( from nursery to industriehout- and blomassaverwerkende businesses) left out of sight. They realize economic, social and maatschappefijke value vo.or Flanders in the form of kwallteitshoutvoorzienlng homegrown, blo-energle homegrown improved ecosysteemdlensten (like one. andschapsherstel, conservation and restoration of biodiversity, potential erosion, carbon sequestration, water storage capacity, etc.), maintenance of employment and reduction in gebrulk of gewasbeschermlngsmiddelen. There is spur over to tourism, recreatle and food, which increased beschikbaartieid of vo edingsproducten enjoy afkomstlg trees and stumps cultivated mushrooms.