
The rise of mass consumption in Belgium (1945-1989): the social and political construction of affluence.

01 October 2012 → 30 September 2016
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • History
  • Social sciences
    • Economic history
social movements social history regulation consumerism consumer culture English 20th Century Contemporary Iconography and analysis of images Quantitative Language and text analysis Field research Modernization Consumer protection Americanization Transnational advocacy Gender Welfare state Belgium North America Western Europe History
Project description

This project highlights mass consumption in the Keynesian welfare state as the outcome of negotiations. Three types of social movements are investigated: the Association des Consommateurs, the co-operative movement and new social movements such as Anders Gaan Leven. By looking at institutional structures, discourses and actions, these intermediaries between citizen and state are put in a new perspective, thereby re-evaluating the first era of presumed general affluence.