
One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe

PhotonHub Europe
01 January 2021 → 30 April 2026
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Photonics, optoelectronics and optical communications
Other information
Project description

Photonics is a broad technology that enables a vast diversity of applications in a range of sectors. The EU-funded PhotonHub Europe project will establish a single pan-EU Photonics Innovation Hub as a one-stop shop solution integrating pioneering photonics technologies, facilities, expertise and experience of 53 European partners. The hub will ensure all stakeholders have access to support services: training and upskilling opportunities within PhotonHub’s Demo and Experience Centres, ‘test before invest’ to engage with companies with highly collaborative innovation projects, and investment readiness coaching and investor matchmaking. PhotonHub Europe will support cross-border innovation activities and establish the PhotonHub Europe Association.

Role of Ghent University
Ghent University has the ambition of playing a leading role in training and skill development activities in the field of silicon photonics under the framework of ePIXfb – the European Silicon Photonics Alliance ( These training and skill development activities will go all the way from ideation to testing of silicon photonic ICs through a newly established silicon photonics experience center at Ghent University. More specifically, each year a 3-day training course will be offered multiple times at the experience center. Each episode of the course will provide industry, especially those involved in PIC-based product development, with the basic technical skills in ideating, designing, fabricating, and testing SiPh PICs. The course will cover various forms of SiPh such as thin SOI, thick SOI, LPCVD SiN, PECVD SiN, and Ge- on-Si. The training will provide hands-on training to: Determine the right SiPh technology platform & design environment for a given application Design a SiPh chip and associated key fabrication steps Develop test-beds and test of SiPh PICs for various applications.