
Microelectrochemical corrosion study of metals and alloys

01 September 2012 → 31 August 2013
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Analytical chemistry
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance
  • Engineering and technology
    • Metallurgical engineering
copper inhibition corrosion monitoring
Project description

This work aims to contribute to research involving localized electrochemical measurements (in contrast to the more common bulk electrochemical mesaurements) and can be divided into two separate projects. The first one involves the optimization of the VMP method (Voltammetry of immobilized Micro Particles) for the identification and quantification of different elements in alloys and their corrosion products. The second one focuses on the use of a micro electrochemical technique, which makes use of microacpillary cells for the local investigation of solid surfaces.