Medical and health sciences
- Public health sciences not elsewhere classified
- Health and community service
The INtervention on the DEterminants of, and Expertise in, Physical activity behaviours (INDEEP) research programme and training
network will train a new generation of doctoral researchers who will gain expertise in innovative, interdisciplinary research activity in
physical activity (PA) and health promotion. Specifically, the doctoral network will support the theoretical and applied development
of the state-of-the-art of determinants of PA and evidence-based population level PA interventions, by promoting international,
interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility across the PA for health sector. Progressing the work achieved in the JPI HDHL DEDIPAC
KH, COST Action CA19101 (DE-PASS) responded directly to the gaps and research needs in relation to the absence of European
harmonised data on PA and their determinants. Grounded in DE-PASS, the INDEEP network seeks to generate excellence in research
and training, providing graduates that will advance the state-of-the-art in PA promotion, through a comprehensive understanding of
the associated determinants. INDEEP addresses the need for a genuinely multidisciplinary approach to addressing the challenges of
improving PA in youth and across the lifespan, arising from the poor efficacy of existing approaches to PA change. The network
ultimately aims to provide an intervention development toolbox, supporting the integration of determinants of PA behaviours,
behaviour change theory and intervention co-creation to aid in the development of evidence-based interventions which integrate
top-down and bottom-up intervention approaches. Outcomes beyond the lifetime of this project have the potential to have
important societal and global impacts, including contributing to achieve many of the Bangkok Declaration Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), including contributing to good health and well-being, gender equality, work and economic growth, reduced societal
inequalities, sustainable communities and climate action.