
Prevention of Hydrogen Damage in steelmaking processes and products

01 July 2024 → 31 December 2027
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Metals and alloy materials
Project description

The overall goal of the HYDAM project is to contribute to the decarbonisation and modernisation of the steelmaking sector (where coal and natural gas will be progressively substituted by hydrogen in steel production) by reducing internal steel waste caused by direct (defects generated during steel production) and indirect issues (hydrogen-related failures downstream and in-service) linked to hydrogen heterogeneous distribution in solid steel. The aim is to develop steelmaking strategies to avoid critical accumulation of hydrogen and to cope with the future usage of dirtier scrap in steelmaking processes that could negatively influence the hydrogen/steel interaction. The HYDAM project contains three objectives that will contribute to obtaining the above overall goals: Obj. 1: Determine the local accumulation of hydrogen in the microstructure during steelmaking, heat treatment and other manufacturing processes by simulating the hydrogen diffusion in solid steel supported by experimental data. Obj. 2: Determine the impact of hydrogen on steelmaking defects and failures in carbon and low-medium alloyed steels experimentally and by simulation of the hydrogen distribution. This includes examining dirtier scrap usage and crack occurrence Obj. 3: Develop steelmaking procedures that minimize in, at least, a 50% the issues associated to hydrogen in steel products downstream and/or in service.