
Air sampling method as tool for detection and surveillance of respiratory pathogens in pig herds

01 October 2024 → 30 September 2027
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Veterinary herd health management
pig monitoring diagnostics air sampling respiratory pathogens
Project description

The surveillance of respiratory pathogens in pigs is seriously hampered by the costs which result in a limited investigation regarding the number of samples and targeted pathogens.

This project will explore the possibility of establishing a non-invasive air sampling protocol that allows regular and global monitoring of the farm’s health status.

A protocol for air sampling will be developed, allowing the detection of four major pathogens. Three devices with different technologies will be tested in different field conditions.

Then a model of air sampling for surveillance of respiratory pathogens will be validated in field conditions by the follow-up of different batches of pigs from weaning to the slaughterhouse.

The air-sampling results will be correlated with clinical signs, respiratory tract lesions at slaughter, barn climatic conditions, and farm biosecurity.

This research will contribute to more efficient detection of respiratory pathogens and facilitate the implementation of proper control measures.