
De novo sequence analysis and C-terminal sequence analysis via high throughput proteomics using robotics and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS

01 January 2007 → 30 December 2012
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Analytical chemistry
    • Biochemistry and metabolism
    • Systems biology
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
    • Pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance
    • Medical biochemistry and metabolism
proteomics robotics mass spectrometry
Project description

The goal of this project is the automatisation of a set of chemical and cleavage and derivatisation methods for proteins, developed at the laboratory for protein biochemistry and protein engineering. These methods allow a better characterisation of proteins in proteomic projects using MALDI TOF/TOF MS analysis. Applications cover an improved characterization of C-terminal processing of human proteins. Automatization will allow to dramatically increase the number of samples per day as well as significantly reduce risks of contamination.