
Closed-cycle cryostat for experiments in quantum optics and advanced materials characterisation

01 May 2018 → 30 April 2022
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Ceramic and glass materials
    • Materials science and engineering
    • Semiconductor materials
    • Other materials engineering
materials characterisation
Project description

The Quantum Manifesto calls upon the European Commission to launch a €1 billion Flagship-scale Initiative in quantum technologies and prepares for a start in 2018 within the European H2020 framework. According to this Manifesto we are entering the second quantum revolution, which aims to enable breakthrough applications in quantum communication, simulation, sensing and computing. While several of our neighboring countries have massively invested in such technologies, there is virtually no quantum activity at the experimental level in Flanders. Nevertheless, Flanders has strong assets to participate in this field because a very important aspect of this revolution is integration. With imec, the worlds’ largest research institute working on electronic integration, and the UGent NB-photonics teams, Europe’s largest concentration of researchers working on photonic integration, this opens up a unique opportunity for Flanders to become a major player in quantum technologies. An essential element is the possibility to carry out experiments at cryogenic temperatures. With this proposal we therefore aim to acquire funding for a closed cycle cryostation with windows for optical access and piezoelectric alignment stages. This station will allow us to develop new fields in quantum optics (single photon sources from 2D-materials and solution processed materials, single photon detectors, etc.). Moreover, it will be useful for high-end material characterization of fosfors/solar cells/OLEDs.