Social sciences
- Communication sciences
- Journalism and professional writing
- Media studies
- Other media and communications
Belgian Cyber Crime Belgian Cyber Crime : Masuring Cost and Impact of Cybercrime in Belgium - BCC Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid
The project aims to reach an objective, realistic and up to date picture of cybercrime in Belgium and its evolution over
A critical assessment of existing international research reports will be conducted. Existing information and data sources for
Belgium will be identified and analysed in parallel. A study of available measuring methods and instruments will be
carried out over three vertical tracks to collect data related to the impact of cybercrime, namely: citizens, industry, and
government. Based on this information, a country-specific model will be created to assess the impact and cost of
cybercrime, and an analysis will be made for missing data sources.
Performed during four years and in support of the National Cyber Security Strategy, the rese;irch will deliver a better
informed Jnd scientiflca!!y based vievv on the menace, in addit!on to a country-specific model to be used in the rnming
years for collecting comparable and sound information. Moreover, it will also provide strategic insights and guidelines to
policy makers on how to advance the implementation of principles integrated in the Belgian National Cyber Security