
Promut II: Workflow for the automatic processing of digital aerial photographs into a GRB mutation and anomaly detection in the context of the GRB bijhoudingsproces: from prototype to operational system

Promut II
01 September 2009 → 31 July 2012
Private funding via IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
digital aerial shots
Project description

The development of the prototype (PROMUT) for archiving, retrieval and processing of digital images to a change of air detection system is ready to be deployed in the operational on AGIV GRB updating processes. The operating system (PROMUTII) over time can also be activated in other applications such as the monitoring of land use and vegetation. The project includes the following sequential steps: 1. critical design review of the prototype geo-image processing and change detection circuit 2. upgrading from prototype to operational system according to the recommendations of the critical design review 3. validation and functionality tests 4. user manual and functional 5. protocols acceptance review of the upgraded system