
EIT Health Ageing Brain Summer School

Ageing Brain Summer School
01 January 2016 → 31 December 2016
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Palliative care and end-of-life care
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Other basic sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Palliative care and end-of-life care
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Other clinical sciences
    • Other health sciences
    • Nursing
    • Other paramedical sciences
    • Laboratory medicine
    • Palliative care and end-of-life care
    • Regenerative medicine
    • Other translational sciences
    • Other medical and health sciences
ageing brain
Project description

The Ageing Brain Summer School (ABSS) is organized by the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) in collaboration with the Universities of Ghent, Leuven, Uppsala, Newcastle upon Tyne, Copenhagen and Lisbon. Industrial partners include Siemens, Barco and Achmea. In addition to the aforementioned academic and industrial partners in EIT Health, we will involve additional project partners including industrial partners (FrieslandCampina and local SMEs), patient organizations (Vlaamse Epilepsie Liga) and the Healthy Ageing Campus Netherlands (a collaboration between UMCG and 60 local SMEs).

Planning and organization of the ABSS is performed by a local student committee in a students for students approach, under supervision and responsibility of an EIT Health Supervisory Board ABSS. The school will be chaired by two senior researchers at UMCG (Maurits and Laman) and will take place in the city of Gronlngen.

The partners cover three CLCs and the lnnostars region, allowing the students to learn about socioeconomic differences and their impact on health, well-being and technological Innovations. Speakers from Portugal are specifically invited to shed their light on these challenges and create awareness of differences between EU countries.