Engineering and technology
- Separation and membrane technologies not elsewhere classified
- Recycling
- Environmental technologies
- Resources engineering
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agrochemistry and fertilisers
- Sustainable agriculture
NITROMAN is committed to processing the liquid fraction of fermented or unfermented pig and cattle manure via nutrient recovery. This fraction arises after the separation of raw manure or digestate and constitutes about 85% of the incoming flow. Thin fraction mainly contains nitrogen, potassium and water. The reason of this specific demarcation in this project is that this fraction is best processed as locally as possible, so that the transport of this aqueous volume is limited to a absolute minimum. In addition to more autonomy for the farmer, this ensures a reduction of transport and an increased efficiency in the use of nutrients, the products acting as fertilizer substitutes. In Flanders, more than 2 million tons of thin fraction of animal manure (pig, beef and veal) were processed in 2017 digestate) (VCM survey figures). In the Netherlands, these figures are of the same order of magnitude. This means that there is great potential for it nutrient recovery from this fraction in both regions. NITROMAN will actively support manufacturers of innovative technologies for nutrient recovery from manure to further develop their technology by implement, monitor and, above all, demonstrate their technology on various example companies. The technology can be further adapted to specific situations and factors such as manure type. Bottlenecks in the area of profitability, the marketing of end products, legislation and capacity will also be addressed tackled across borders. The final products are analyzed for their properties and demonstrated during field trials. In addition, the environmental impact of the various innovative techniques is examined. This causes the support and confidence for these new technologies and products is not only increased by users, namely the livestock farmers, arable farmers and vegetable growers, but also among Flemish-Dutch and European policymakers. The project will provide the necessary information to Flemish and southern Dutch livestock farmers to make the right and most sustainable investment choice for processing of their manure surplus and will offer Flemish and southern Dutch manufacturers of innovative techniques the opportunity to use the techniques develop and market in the Interreg region. The aim is to close the nutrient cycle as locally as possible, taking into account the economic and practical feasibility. From previous projects carried out by VCM vzw, eg. WINGS (funded by the Danone Ecosysteme Fund) shows that nutrient recovery from proprietary manure is not always appears economically feasible, and the follow-up of such installations should not be underestimated. Within NITROMAN the desired scale of such installations in Flanders and the Netherlands are being further investigated. Application of the products produced on own fields by livestock farmers at the forage cultivation is preferred, but sales of the products to arable farming, vegetable cultivation and industry will therefore be further investigated turn into.