Medical and health sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Palliative care and end-of-life care
- Regenerative medicine
- Other basic sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Palliative care and end-of-life care
- Regenerative medicine
- Other clinical sciences
- Other health sciences
- Nursing
- Other paramedical sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Palliative care and end-of-life care
- Regenerative medicine
- Other translational sciences
- Other medical and health sciences
The project will contribute to a reform process at the Faculty of Medicine of the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) that was initiated in February 2008. A general outline of a new medical curriculum is already designed, within the context of a student centered learning approach and a strong focus on community health. The general outline of the curriculum was approved by the University Council of UEM in August 2008. The project will support the interventions done so far and will create further mechanisms to reinforce sustainability of the process of curriculum development and will bring the student centered learning methods to a higher level. A structure and mechanism will be created for community involvement throughout the medical course.
The main activities will have the format of workshops and consultancies that aim to enhance the capacity of Mozambican staff in improvement of the quality of the medical course. The project interventions aim to create capacity in curriculum development, in student centered learning strategies, in student assessment, in community health and in medical skills training (this includes communication skills). The project will also give the tools to improve the student admission exam for medical students.