
In search of a national (s)cul(p)ture. Belgian sculptors abroad and foreign sculptors in Belgium (c. 1815-1916)

01 January 2012 → 31 October 2017
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities
    • History
    • Art studies and sciences
    • Visual arts
national schools 19th century sculpture Belgium (trans)nationality culturele transfers cultural transfers English Comparative Geographic and map based Iconography and analysis of images Quantitative Language and text analysis Field research Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse Auguste Rodin Belgian academy Belgian salon Charles Van der Stappen Constantin Meunier Eugène Simonis George Minne Guillaume Geefs Jef Lambeaux Julien Dillens National identity Paris salon Public monuments Western Europe History Art
Project description

This project researches the social and cultural phenomenon of transnational exchange and

nationals ‘schools’ in the 19th century, via the less studied field of sculpture, and with Belgium

as a case. Importance is paid to the reciprocity of the exchanges: the presence and reception

of Belgian sculptors abroad, as well as the sojourns and exhibiting of foreign sculptors in
