Social sciences
- Education curriculum
- Education systems
- General pedagogical and educational sciences
- Specialist studies in education
- Other pedagogical and educational sciences
The chief aim of this project is to capitalize on the range of disciplines within the sciences and
philosophy that have made self-control a research focus by providing incentives and
opportunities for collaboration among them. The goal of fostering this collaboration is to
improve our knowledge of self-control and how to enhance it, in part by developing a more
integrated and complete understanding of the topic. Similar collaboration among different kinds
of scientists and philosophers has been a fruitful strategy with respect to other topics in recent
years-witness, for example, the scientific and philosophical work on free will and moral
judgrrient that has been produced by such collaboration-and the hope is that the project will
lead to the same kind of progress. The central component of the project is a set ofRFP
competitions to support informed and collaborative research on self-control in science and
philosophy. Other components include two conferences, a summer seminar, a cluster grant
program, and a post-doctoral fellowship opportunity.