
The centre for reading research – Flanders

01 April 2008 → 31 March 2013
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities
    • Linguistics
  • Social sciences
    • Animal experimental and comparative psychology
    • Applied psychology
    • Human experimental psychology
word recognition dyslexie language laterality
Project description

In this project, three research lines will be expanded, continuing the applicant’s ongoing research. In the first line of research, a comparison of participants with typical and atypical language dominance will be used to obtain better insight in the brain mechanisms that underlie visual word recognition and text understanding. In the second line of research lexical decision an naming latencies will be collected for all common Dutch words and for monosyllabic English and French words in Dutch/Flemish speakers. Nonlinear regression analyses will be used to determine the factors that influence the word processing times in Dutch/Flemish and to compare them with English and French. In addition, the processing latencies in a second language will be compared to those of native speakers. The resulting explanations will be implemented in existing computational models of visual word processing, to see whether they lead to the expected improvements of the models. The third research line will look at the application of some of our basic research to everyday problems. In particular, on the basis of our current knowledge and new studies, we will critically evaluate and extend current techniques to assess and remediate dyslexia in Flanders.