Natural sciences
- Remote sensing
- Terrestrial ecology
Engineering and technology
- Air pollution and control
Agricultural and food sciences
- Sustainable agriculture
- Food sciences and (bio)technology not elsewhere classified
- Forestry management and modelling
The FOODTURE initiative aims at catalyzing a transformative shift towards sustainable and innovative practices within the European food sector. Through the development and validation of enhanced life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies and the promotion of stakeholder engagement, FOODTURE seeks to uncover effective strategies for sustainability and foster a resilient, circular food value chain. Emphasizing transparency and open access, the initiative performs R&I on precision agriculture techniques and environmental stewardship practices to mitigate pollution and enhance holistic impact assessment. FOODTURE delivers 16 clusters of results, including: A) whole-value chain LCIs of EU food systems; B) methodologies for improved Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA); C)
system-level impact quantifications, including an analysis of trade-offs and synergies between environmental, social, economic, animal welfare and human health impacts; D) policy briefs, open access & free tools, and capacity building sessions, that stakeholders can use to integrate LCAs in their daily operations. All of this is performed with the continuous integration of all value chain’ actors, in every step of the project’ implementation.
Through collaborative action and innovative solutions, FOODTURE prioritizes zero pollution and assessment of regionalized environmental impacts, thus aspiring to set a new standard for holistic food system management, driving meaningful progress towards a more sustainable and resilient future for European food systems.