
Smart Charging - E-mobility meets Renewable Energy - 'Se-More'

01 October 2024 → 30 September 2027
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Renewable power and energy systems engineering
    • Electrical Power Engineering not elsewhere classified
smart charging E-mobility renewable Energy
Project description
The electrification of vehicles (EVs) is experiencing exponential growth, with charging infrastructure a
is a crucial building block for the energy transition. Electric driving plays an important role in reducing
emissions by 40% by 2030. For example, from 2029 all new cars or vans must be electric according to the climate
agreement that the Flemish government has defeated. Obligations are imposed to implement charging infrastructure,
but not all charging infrastructure that is currently being installed is sufficiently intelligent and sustainable.
If we really want to have a significant impact on reducing the grid load, which plays an important role in
electrification, we must not only make the charging plazas and charging points smart and sustainable,
but have them integrated and communicated with building management systems via Energy Management systems.
Smart charging means: site optimization, potential peak reduction as a result of user charging profiles,
system integration, use of sustainable energy sources, possibly supplemented with local storage.