Polyploidy plays important roles in evolution, increasing genetic novelty and providing ‘ackup’genetic material. However, polyploids have to adapt their cellular machinery to whole genome
duplications (WGD). For instance, in autotetraploids, crossovers may occur randomly between
each copy of the genome during meiosis, compromising regular chromosomal segregation. In
autopolyploid plants adapted to WGDs, only one crossover per chromosome is allowed, which
leads to successful meiosis. Although recent WGDs have been described in animals, they occur
rarely and usually such animals reproduce asexually. Amphibia is the only exception among
bisexually reproducing vertebrates with multiple occurrences of WGDs. For example, the frog
genus Neobatrachus consists
of 6 diploid and 4 tetraploid species. Compared to the diploids, the tetraploids occupy drier areas.
Using Neobatrachus frogs, this project hopes to provide the first evidence of adaptation to WGD at
the genetic and cellular level in the animal kingdom. Moreover, we hope to unveil whether WGD
promotes adaptation to drier environments. To achieve that, I will assemble and annotate a
genome of the diploid N. pictus. Next, I will compare the genetic variation among diploids and
tetraploids, and hope to identify adaptive changes in tetraploids. Integration of our findings in
frogs and plants will shed light on whether the mechanism of adaptation to WGDs is universal or
whether plants and animals use different ways to deal it.