Natural sciences
- Information sciences
- Other information and computing sciences
Social sciences
- Information sciences
- Library sciences
The project investigates the topic of scientific pursuit, and the ways in which it can be
evaluated. Judgments of pursuit worthiness appear in different forms. First, we can ask whether
a given scientific theory, or another phenomenon is worthy of pursuit. Second, we can ask
whether pursuing it is in the interest of an individual scientist, or in the interest of a certain
scientific community. Finally, there is variety of goals that can motivate the pursuit of an
inquiry. Such goals may be a better understanding of the world, developing technologies that
are sustainable, etc. Hence, a judgment of pursuit worthiness has the following general format:
a certain scientific inquiry is worthy of pursuit for a given subject in view of certain cognitive
and/or non-cognitive goals.
The aim of my research is to develop accounts offering criteria by means of which claims
of pursuit worthiness can be evaluated. While my PhD research focused on the pursuit
worthiness of scientific theories, my future research will focus on the pursuit worthiness of
scientifically relevant phenomena and entities, as well as research projects aiming at conceiving
new technologies.
The significance of my research question is manifold: first, for the history of science and
its re-examination; second, for science policy and the formulation of guidelines for the
assessment of pursuit worthiness of scientific inquiries; and third, for the problem of pluralism
of scientific theories and practices.