
ISOGLASS—Archaeometric investigation of ancient glass – identification of the sources of Cu, Sb and Ti via isotopic analysis using (laser ablation) multi-collector ICP – mass spectrometry

01 April 2011 → 31 March 2013
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Instrumental methods
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Archaeology of art
    • Archaeology of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Levant
    • Development of methods and techniques
isotope ratio provenance determination isotopic fracionation multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry glass
Project description

All elements with 2 or more isotopes show natural variation in their isotopic composition as a rseult of isotope fractionation during physical processes and/or (bio)chemical reactions. Determination of the isotopic composition of an element in ancient glass and comparison to those in raw materials possibly used in its manufacturing can provide information on the provenance of the effectively used raw material. Cu can be present in glass as a colorant, Sb as a decolorzer and Ti as a result of Ti contamination of the sand used. The isotopic analysis of these elements in the context described is envisaged.