Humanities and the arts
- Pragmatics
- Sociolinguistics
- Translation studies
- Interpreting studies
EU-WEBPSI aims to develop, test and disseminate an innovative EU-wide WEBportal for information exchange and online collaboration between stakeholders involved in providing and using Webcam Public Service Interpreting (WEBPSI). The project has a three-fold overall objective:
(1) harmonising minimal standards for public service interpreting in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders to guarantee high-quality language support and equal access to basic services for TCNs across the EU;
(2) facilitating more flexible use of WEBPSI services at national and EU level by means of remote solutions that are more adapted to contemporary needs and opportunities;
(3) increasing the interpreting capacity for languages of lesser diffusion (LLDs) to reduce the current imbalance between interpreter supply/demand for these languages across the EU and safeguard better language support for and empowerment of speakers of these languages.
In line with these objectives, the project aims to produce the following outcomes and outputs:
(1) a harmonised EU-model for WEBPSI, based on minimal standards of interpreting competence, training and certification in combination with information and learning materials (8 e-training modules) accessible through the web portal;
(2) an accessible web portal for WEBPSI (repository, training platform, booking tool and video-platform) that can be used across national boundaries;
(3) training of 60 applicants for international protection and recently recognised refugees as qualified WEBPSIs for LLDs in 8 language combinations, enabling them to interpret across national boundaries.
The main impact expected of the project is the amelioration of language services and access for TCNs to basic services and resources. Its focus on quality and flexibility benefits all actors engaged in PSI services, viz. service providers, interpreters and interpreter trainers. Inclusion of TCNs, not only as beneficiaries but also as interpreters, offers them a professional integration perspective.