01 September 2021 → 31 August 2022
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
Social sciences
- Didactics of school subjects
- Language didactics
- Teacher training
- Vocational education, professional training, lifelong learning
reading performance
reading motivation
intervention research
vocational education
Project description
Various national and international studies show that reading literacy and reading motivation among young people are declining. However, one of the conditions for full participation in society is and remains good reading and information skills, willingness to read and critical handling of information. This research evaluates the project "Lees Wijs" of the Provincial Education Flanders. More specifically, the project focuses on the following strategic goals for the B-track of secondary education:
- The pupil increases his (autonomous) reading motivation, including reading pleasure, and strengthens his (meta)cognitive skills.
- The teacher reflects on general and his or her own views on reading motivation, as well as on his or her own perceptions of competence in this respect. On this basis, he or she achieves optimised action in his or her teaching practice.
- The school develops, implements and monitors a sustainable and supported reading policy in co-creation.