Social sciences
- Science, technology and engineering curriculum and pedagogics
The core objective of iSTEM is to provide teachers with the necessary knowledge and tools so they can engage with current, integrated STEM in their classes across Flanders. Much ground has been covered, but the work is not done. It is also an objective that fits within the framework of lifelong learning. There are still schools looking for support in both secondary and primary education. This will continue to be the case. We still have 'beginners' among the schools, but also 'advanced' ones seeking support for expansion projects, wanting to incorporate STEM into other directions, etc. The implementation of integrated STEM as formulated in the new minimum goals and curricula is also a challenge that will continue to have an impact for quite some time. For primary education, the minimum goals, and thus the curricula, are even still under construction. Therefore, we can conclude that the need for didactic support for STEM teachers is more current than ever and will remain so for quite some time.