The purpose of this pilot study is to prospectively evaluate technical and non-technical skills, errors
and environmental factors in the hybrid angiosuite and correlate these with the postoperative
outcome and 30-day complication rate. An objective registration system, OR black box system will
be installed in the hybrid angiosuite, an environment where sick vascular patients are treated by
minimally invasive techniques using balloons, stents exposing both the patient and the team to
radiation. This system will evaluate what goes well, what does not go so well by recording
fluoroscopic images, the endovascular tools and machinery used, radiation dose, environmental
factors but also technical performance of the vascular surgeon and the team interactions with
various background (nurses, vascular surgery, anesthesiology).
The novelty of this pilot study is the prospective objective assessment of human and environmental
factors in the angiosuite as well as incidents, adverse events and patient outcomes to identify highrisk
interventions, to characterize a chain of events and to detect areas for improvement. Follow-up
projects will design training interventions both on an organizational level and on a team or
individual level to improve individual and team performance to prevent certain error patterns from
escalating into a near-miss, incident or adverse event and ultimately to deliver high quality patient
care in a safe working environment for the health care workers.