
Research into more animal friendly housing for rabbits

01 November 2011 → 31 October 2014
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Animal biology
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Veterinary medicine
    • Other veterinary sciences
    • Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences
housing systems rabbits
Project description

To achieve a more humane business rabbit breeding is a group housing system for nurse compatible essential to modern business management. This study therefore focuses on the development of an innovative park system in which the problems indicated are addressed in foreign research. In WP 1 the influence of rearing conditions of future breeding stock is examined later aggression, as well as the impact of the possible presence of hidden-present. In addition, production will be, well-being and health compared between conventional wet nurse cages with wire bottom group parks, parks, and group with a more comfortable plastic slatted floors. Controlling faecal transmitted diseases is hereby given special attention, with the presence and pressure of coccidiosis infection will be used as a parameter. In a separate work package (WP 4) examined the ability of nurses to huisbesting in a group system can be predicted on the basis of behavioral tests and / or physical characteristics at a young age. Previous research has shown ILVO the park housing of rabbit meat is much less problematic. Therefore WP 2 focuses on the impact of additional enrichment material to prevent aggression at the end of the finishing period. Develop a welfare protocol for rabbits companies will be developed through international consultations, using existing tools developed for other species (WP 3). In addition, the validity of various anxiety test will be examined, with a view to use within such a protocol