
Flemish residential care indicator project: scientific support for the processing and analysis of the collected data

01 December 2015 → 30 November 2017
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
    • Statistics
    • Numerical methods
residential care
Project description

The last decade has increased the awareness of the impact and the accompanying attention to quality monitoring in healthcare worldwide. The approach and motivation has in the US and Europe, for example, sometimes clearly different accents. However, it is agreed that this tool can help achieve a substantial improvement in care and quality of life of residents WZC. Within Europe, the UK games (Jones and Spiegelhalter 2009) and the Scandinavian countries (Balint Dome et al. 2014), a pioneer in this field. In Belgium and Flanders in recent years made great efforts. The infrastructure associated with expertise and staffing will be increased gradually. Stakeholders are informed, motivated and shaped in this new component of quality care provision. Guidelines are developed evidence based. To achieve this by running with a care area for at least two phases. In a first phase, one identifies quality parameters in terms of structure, process and outcome, and verifies the measurability of the indicators; where necessary, set up for this purpose additional registration. In a second phase, the analysis of the indicators is worked out with the corresponding interpretation and reporting to the various stakeholders and target groups.