
MEtrics for Sustainability Assessement in European Process Industries

01 January 2015 → 31 March 2017
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Process engineering not elsewhere classified
Other information
Project description

 The aim of the CSA MEASURE is to provide support and guidance, how to reach the H2020 SPIRE Public Private Partnership goals on reduction in fossil energy intensity, non-renewable, primary raw material intensity and greenhouse gas emissions in the most effective way. MEASURE will deliver a roadmap how to evaluate processes in a standardised, comparative way. Benefiting from the strong support of our cross-sectorial Advisory Board, the impact of the MEASURE roadmap shall outreach the H2020 SPIRE programme towards harmonised standards for sustainability assessment in the entire European process industry. MEASURE will bring together leading European process industries in chemistry, consumer goods, steel, automotive, non-ferrous metals, water and waste with well-known research centres, and academic experts with profound complementing expertise on sustainability assessment with regulators and standardisation bodies.

Role of Ghent University
Ghent University is leading the analysis on the Waste sector, identifying the current legislation which encourages sustainability assessment in the sector as well as the existing guidelines, and analyzing the limitations of the environmental sustainability assessment methods currently used. Ghent University is also leading the analysis of current practices for resource efficiency evaluation in process industries.