
Integrating 'emerging markets' into the global Financial system: Urban geographics of securitization in the Gulf Region

01 October 2011 → 30 November 2012
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Economic geography
    • Human geography
    • Recreation, leisure and tourism geography
    • Urban and regional geography
    • Other social and economic geography
    • Social and cultural anthropology
  • Engineering and technology
    • Urban and regional design, development and planning
gulf region financial geography Dubai emerging markets securitization
Project description

In light of the growing financial geography literature, this project studies the integration of ‘emerging’ Gulf markets into global financial markets. In particular, the project apllies the ‘securitization chain’ concept, which analyzes the geographies and practices of actors involved in the production of securitized assets, and analyzes the consequences of the resulting integration for Gulf cities.