
Towards a better understanding of climate (im)mobility: identifying environmental shocks, the role of retain factors and dynamics in migration decisions

01 November 2023 → 31 October 2027
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • International economics
    • Migration
Immobility Environmental change Migration aspirations
Project description

Huge predictions of climate migration are put forward in the public debate. Yet, current academic studies come to different conclusions or often do not seem to pick up a clear positive effect of environmental shocks on migration. The project aims to improve the identification of the impact of environmental shocks on (im)mobility in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a region extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It brings a new methodological perspective to verify whether previous literature underestimates the true effect, by (i) improving on the measurement of environmental shocks, (ii) accounting for the usually ignored retain factors including alternative adaptation measures, and (iii) exploring dynamics in the response of migration aspirations to environmental shocks. This project takes advantage of an unprecedented cross-country comparable individual-level dataset and state-of-the-art techniques to answer questions at the leading edge of migration economics. From a policy perspective, this knowledge gain of environmental migration is crucial to address the needs of people moving from or staying in climate-affected areas.