
The Belgian Research Initiative on eXotic nuclei for atomic, nuclear and astrophysics studies (BriX)

01 April 2012 → 31 December 2017
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Applied mathematics in specific fields
    • Astronomy and space sciences
    • Classical physics
    • Materials physics
    • Mathematical physics
    • Nuclear physics
    • Quantum physics
theoretical reaction studies study of statistical and dynamical mean-field for nuclei with large proton-neutron asymmetry study of the nuclear many-body problem, low-energy weak-interaction studies
Project description

ian partners of KULeuven, ULB, UGent, ULiège and of SCK•CEN, together with the international partners from GANIL, CEA-Saclay, GSI and UKöln aggregate common scientific activities in the Belgian Research Initiative on eXotic nuclei (BriX network). The prime research theme focuses on the study of far-unstable radioactive isotopes. Nuclear physics aspects, related to the structure and reactivity of exotic nuclei; nuclear astrophysics aspects, related to the impact of nuclear properties on explosive stellar nucleosynthesis scenarios; and atomic physics aspects, related to the heavy elements and to the extraction of nuclear-physics information from atomic properties constitute the program. The program is balanced between theoretical physics activities and experimental work. The Ghent theoretical nuclear physics group contributes to reaction studies, study of statistical and dynamical mean-field for nuclei with large proton-neutron asymmetry, study of the nuclear many-body problem, low-energy weak-interaction studies.