
ReHiFiNMR - Rejuvenation of High-Field NMR equipment for the continued and enhanced characterization of complex molecular architectures and their interactions

01 May 2024 → 30 April 2028
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Spectroscopic methods
    • Structural analysis
    • Bio-organic chemistry
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Molecular biophysics
  • Engineering and technology
    • Other biotechnology, bio-engineering and biosystem engineering not elsewhere classified
High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance advanced structure analysis complex molecular structures
Project description

Complex molecular structures from natural, bio-engineered or synthetic sources play key roles when
addressing fundamental scientific questions or for the development of the applications required to
meet some of the demanding challenges posed by society. Whether such molecules are involved in
biosensing applications for health and the environment, improving crop-protection and -productivity,
or designing novel strategies to challenge antibiotic resistance, cancer development or immune
related diseases, the characterization of their complicated molecular architecture as well as their
behavior at the molecular level and their interactions with their environment is required, as it
provides often critical pieces of information required for scientific advancement. Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) is a key enabling technology for powerful, non-destructive structure-
analytical and interaction analysis of complex molecules. By extracting and interpreting a variety of
chemical structure dependent parameters from a vast portfolio of NMR based experimental methods
a multitude of windows are provided through which the required information becomes accessible.
The REHIFI-NMR consortium proposes the rejuvenation of the existing high field and nitrogen cryo-
cooled 700 MHz equipment of the NMR Expertise Centre core facility at UGent, to maintain and
further expand the application of these NMR based methodologies for complex molecular structure
analysis in the next decade.