
Innovative agri-business economics

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Economic development, innovation, technological change and growth not elsewhere classified
agri-business innovation transmission mechanisms economics
Project description

The agri-business sector, including the food industry, is the most important manufacturing industry in our country and thus of strategic importance for the future of our economy and society. However, the profitability of our companies is under significant pressure, jeopardizing their future. Insufficient profitability endangers the health of businesses and limits opportunities for research and innovation. To accelerate the introduction and valorization of innovations, research into the acceptance mechanisms of new products and technologies is crucial. This extends beyond the agri-business sector in the strict sense and encompasses the entire chain, from farm to fork. The project aims to map the transmission mechanisms and identify bottlenecks at various levels within the production chain. Within each link, subgroups can likely be distinguished, each requiring a specific remediation pathway. The goal is to develop these pathways.