Social sciences
- Economic geography
This acvity consists of a Summer School that will be held in Bari, Italy, to aract undergrad students primarily from Southern Europe who could be potenal candidates to enroll in the EIT Urban Mobility Master School. The event is co-organized by Ghent University and Politecnico di Bari. Through an overview of the EIT Urban Mobility Master School, discussion of topics related to sustainable mobility, Innovaon and Entrepreneurship (I&E) training, parcipants will learn about opportunies to study urban mobility with the EIT Urban Mobility, idenfy challenges related to promong sustainable mobility in regions with high car dependence and explore innovave soluons to improve environmental sustainability, and also affordability and accessibility of transport. Parcipants will address sustainable mobility topics with academic instructors and researchers, meet industry and government experts, and discuss issues associated with sustainability and innovaon in urban mobility.