
Linking strategic, tactical and operational decision-making for enhancing resource agility in production volatile environments

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Human resource management
    • Production and service management
    • Mathematical methods, programming models, mathematical and simulation modelling
  • Engineering and technology
    • Modelling and simulation
production planning and scheduling personnel scheduling Operations research
Project description
Companies in dynamic manufacturing environments face challenges using their personnel resources in an agile manner to contain costs. Frequently, planning and scheduling processes are inefficient, lacking integration across different decision-making levels such that it is unclear how to use their resources best. The research project aims to develop a decision support system to facilitate agile personnel and task scheduling in production environments. To this end, we integrate strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making levels and prescribe where and how to embed flexibility in the decision process to address demand fluctuations and disruptions most effectively and efficiently given a company's uncertainty profile. The problem is studied using a dual approach, i.e., Top-Down, analyzing how strategic decisions (e.g., workforce mix) influence lower-level operations, and Bottom-Up, addressing operational challenges by providing appropriate feedback to higher-level decision-making.