
Multi-party collaboration: the road to innovative solutions for global warming challenges

01 January 2009 → 28 February 2010
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Management
Global Warming
Project description

The objective of this project is to undertake activities leading to the formulation of a project proposal that addresses the research question of how multi-party collaboration (MPC) van become an essential instrument in crafting appropriate responses to the issue of global warming. These activities involve the clarification of the five research objectives identified so far. These five objectives coincide with the five phases of an MPC:
1. What are the antecedents of MPC for climate change?
2. What are the optimal process and actor capabilities for climate-oriented MPC?
3. What metrics can both support and measure the outcomes of MPC?
4. What conditions should be met in order for translating successful outcomes of MPCs into fortification and replication of such outcomes.
5. What conditions facilitate the multiplication of successful MPC in countering climate change into new fields of social relations and new domains of practices?