Social sciences
- Business administration and accounting not elsewhere classified
In this research project, the researchers aim to provide comprehensive insights and evidence-based policy proposals to stimulate and support student entrepreneurship of higher education students in Flanders. The project aims to map entrepreneurial behavior, activities and intentions of higher education students in Flanders. Through participation in the worldwide GUESSS data gathering project (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey), we gain a comprehensive understanding of the current entrepreneurial landscape among Flemish higher education students. This includes identifying the activities being pursued and the motivations driving their entrepreneurial aspirations. The project also aims to create a unique Flemish panel dataset: This dataset enables the targeted and informed development of long-term policies by providing a platform to track and analyze the evolving entrepreneurial activities of Flemish students over time. By utilizing this dataset, policymakers can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies based on the changing dynamics of the student entrepreneurship landscape..