Medical and health sciences
- Cancer biology
- Cancer therapy
A first topic focuses on disactivating viral oncogenes found within sarcoid cells using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9. For this purpose, nanoblades (= virus-like particles) are designed to facilitate entry of the CRISPR-complex into the cell. We hypothesize that eliminating viral oncogenes will lead to the loss of neoplastic characteristics and a restoration of primal fibroblast integrity.
A second objective is to map out the microenvironment of the equine sarcoid , with a focus on the local cellular immune response. Several antibodies in regards to this (CD45, CD3, CD163, MPO, MHC2, FoxP3, Granzyme B, CD56) will be used to perform immunohistochemical analysis of sarcoid tissue. Our main goal is to get a better understanding of the possible role of cytotoxic leukocytes in neoplastic immune-evasion. Furthermore, we will try to unravel its association with local cytokine production and RNA expression.
Lastly, we are in the process of conducting a prospective study regarding the use of chemotherapy. The purpose is to evaluate efficacy of local treatment with carboplatin-sesame oil mix versus electrochemotherapy.