
Gathering expertise On Vibration ImpaKt In Nuclear power Generation

01 June 2022 → 31 May 2026
European funding: framework programme
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Numerical computation
nuclear reactor
Other information
Project description

Nuclear power plants use water to cool the reactor core and generate steam, necessary for the turbine driving the generators for electricity production. The water flow interacts with the structures (fuel rods, steam generator tubes), which may start to vibrate. Flow-induced vibrations (FIV) in nuclear plants can lead to material wear and even breach of the radioactive confinement. Therefore, the prediction and analysis of such phenomena is of great importance. The EU-funded GO-VIKING project will improve the understanding of FIV in nuclear fuel assemblies and steam generators. The team will generate new experimental and high-resolution numerical data, develop methods and synthesise guidelines to improve the prediction and analysis of FIV in nuclear reactors. Project outcomes will help enhance the operation, safety and reliability of nuclear power plants.