
Ultracentrifuge for virological and cell biological applications.

01 December 2020 → 30 November 2022
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Small molecules
    • Pharmacokinetics
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Veterinary microbiology
    • Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology
    • Veterinary physiology, pathophysiology and biochemistry
Ultracentrifuge virus extracellular vesicle apoptotic body microvesicle exosome concentration purification
Project description

With the present project proposal, an ultracentrifuge is requested by different departments from the Faculty Veterinary Medicine (FVM). The ultracentrifuge will be used to concentrate/purify virus particles/subcellular fractions/extracellular vesicles for different molecular characterizations. At present, there is one ultracentrifuge of 20 years old at the FVM with several defects and rotors of 30-40 years old that are dangerous in use.